Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tagged by myself =D

1.What is your name : E Wei
2. A four Letter Word :FUC|*blinking* *leo hits me on the head and exclaims :Oie F*er,no bad words lah so*ai!*
3. A boy's Name : Nova
4. A girl's Name: Anise
5. An occupation :To be confirmed
6. A color : Emo black
7. Something you'll wear :Cloths
8. A drink : Starbucks
9. A food : Chocolate
10. Something found in the bathroom: HOT WATER!!
11. A place : Cafe pwing noobs
12. A reason for being late :*ZzZZzzzZZZzz*
13. Something you'd shout : FUC* *leo appears and shouts again*
14. A movie title : Transformers 2
15. A book title : Eragon
16. A musical group : Dragonforce
17. An animal : Stun la DOG
18. A street name : St.Jollyface =D i made that up
19. A type of car : Remote control car.
20. The title of a song : New divine.

Unlucky ones are peoples name who contains Y.O.U.* yes yes and now that annoying little voice inside you will start blabbering 'that dude ain't talking about me right?I mean like my name doesn't contain Y.O.U,but sadly enough,im talking about you,bad luck =D*

Credits to suet yen for this tag =D

Roared by the dragon of the wild,child of none.


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