Saturday, April 18, 2009


Okay.imma gonna put two posts into one,for it starts at the day before yesterday and,do bare with me for the long long long long post this time @_@

So,the government finally found out my recently appointed new part time job,and put a stop to it.Here's how it goes.As you all must know,i've been pretty busy lately with my new job-wearing a super cool(not) red suit with invisible pockets stuffed with batteries (like that dork on a cartoon show called flash)-dashing around the city at approx 5km/h doing what a super hero's sposed to do(saving the city,fight bad guys/monsters,sit on a gargoyle and stare at the city,steal panti- nevermind.).

Since im getting all the fame by keeping this already quite-safe-from-badguys/monsters city safe,the police is getting really bored and angry,so they complained to the government,and they decided to cut the electricity current for my house to prevent me from charging my invisible batteries thus leading me to not be able to go save the city(oh and another SIDE and SMALL and NOT SO MAIN reason for that  is because my mum forgot to pay the bill).

SO,ANYWAYS,no electricity.And its really a pain in the ass.had to cook and bath w/o lights.Still another cool thing is my sis playing the piano under candle light.Then as you all know,its really difficult for me to sleep due to the hotness that i secretly stole from juinn,and there's no fan/aircond/wind/stolen pantie-nevermind,to cool me down.So had to go to my "da jie" 's place to kill the night.So on and so forth,fast forward till yesterday,which i think imma continue in the next post because this is really getting long =.= TO BE CONTINUED.


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