Sunday, October 4, 2009

Baa Baa Baa,Shu Ba Du Ba~

FoR SoMe ReAsOn,ThE fOnT tHiNgGiE iN mY bLoG iS gOnE.sO i CaN oNlY uSe ThIs FoNt AnD CoLoR! LoL!

Heck cares anyways..Days of boring-ness is slowly changing to days of stress-ness! As you guys know,exam's just around the corner,trying to catch us off guard while walking past it. My friends and me included is finally starting to study now. Some made kick ass progress,some just..y'know..take things slow.

Talk about progress,I'm back writing my story. The words just seem to come back,and y'know..they wont stop.Anime and my story is stopping me from me studying,but I think i'll manage anyhow..

Wired update..this one.Anything lah.Ciao~